Become a Service-Station Manager

Agip Tankstelle Tagaufnahme

Your route to independence

As an independent service station operator, you are an economist and marketing expert, personnel manager and business person in one! Your dedication, expertise and leadership skills are key factors in your business success.

To help you meet the challenge, we offer tried-and-tested concepts in the fuel, shop, bakery and car wash sectors. You will also receive in-depth theoretical and practical training as a service station manager when you commence your duties.

We will provide thorough training for your entry into the service station business and management of an Agip service station. We optimally combine the advantages of a large company with your individual commitment as an Agip service station partner.

Success with system! Your route to Agip Service-Stations ManagerFind out more here.

You can be an independent service station partner at one of the following service stations:

Are you interested? If so, please send your application to the postal address below or simply via email at

Eni Deutschland GmbH 
Dep. RET-Noil
Training & Recruiting
Theresienhöhe 30 
80339 Munich